Toner & Mist
A toner helps the skin to get the right pH balance after cleanser and prepares the skin to best receive all subsequent steps in the skin care routine. Here we offer one of Korea's best-selling toners which also won this year's ''glow pick" and took the USA by storm!
Hyal Reyouth Toner
299 kr
Rice Toner
440 kr
All In One Mist
299 kr
Safe Me Relief Essence Toner
399 kr
Fundamental Ampoule Mist
389 kr
Hyal Reyouth Oil Drop Mist
399 kr
Pro Balance Biotics Toner
399 kr
All In One Cleansing Water
329 kr
Cica Regen 92 Toner
310 kr
Relief Chamomile Gel Toner
299 kr
Own Vegan Calming Toner
299 kr
5α Control Clearing Toner
369 kr
Inteca Soothing Pads
329 kr
Pore Clarifying Toner
389 kr