Here we collect all our products that are 100% vegan. These products contains no animal ingredients and is made from only plants and minerals as well as safe synthetic ingredients. Vegan products often contain fewer, but carefully selected ingredients. In addition, they are extra suitable for sensitive skin, for example, as vegan skin care is often a kinder alternative for the skin. The products often contain antioxidants that strengthen the skin as well as a lot of vitamins that give your skin a wonderful glow!
Cica Regen 95 Soothing Gel
299 kr
Ultra Moisturizing Lotion
329 kr
Own Vegan Calming Serum
299 kr
Melting Lip Powder Hot Choco
269 kr
Mugwort Essence
599 kr
Fig Cleansing Balm
499 kr
AHA 7 Whitehead Power Liquid
279 kr
Own Vegan Calming Toner
299 kr
CCC Cream Golden Medium 301
399 kr
Premium Morocco Argan Oil
279 kr
AC Collection Calming Mild
299 kr